American Gods Wiki
American Gods Wiki

Well, I started rewatching the season 2 episodes, this time with subtitles. 

I honestly changed my opinion a lot on it. When I first saw it, I thought it was confusing, with a lot of elements I missed and a lot of things were left unclear. But turns out, it's not.

When one watches the episodes one after another, with subtitles, and with a broader knowledge of the entire season, a lot of the questions I asked myself are actually explained or not even existing. I guess I also was a bit too engulfed in the previous season, and thus I tried to impose its patterns and ideas on the second season a bit too much, I didn't try to look at the season for itself, which is actually a bad thing to do in my idea, because the two season clearly have a very distinctive feeling and very distinctive ideas.

Anyway... as a result I wonder if I should delete my previous blog posts because my opinion changed a lot since them (or rather I have a more complete knowledge and a better understanding of the season - plus these reviews were influenced a lot by the opinion of other viewers. I tended to react against or with them, and this is just not me I realized. I shouldn't base my opinions on other people's directly, and always find my own first.) Anyway this was just my random ranting Xp
