31 Votes in Poll
Fall or winter of 2020, most likely
31 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
Are these your images? Can we use them on the wiki?
Was it Ask and Embla? I don't think that was in American Gods, but it might have been in Norse Mythology.
Mr. Wood and Mr. Stone were both killed by Laura in the train. Mr. Town's status is unknown.
i think laura killed mr. wood but i would also like an explanation behind the spooks and who/what they are.
Too bad we have to wait till October :/
We did get Argus this season. I kinda hope we don't see more since I'm more interested in seeing other gods that aren't as "well-known" as Greek and Roman gods.
This is the closest I could find to what she's wearing: amazon.com/Color-Yellow-White-Rose-Butterfly/dp/B07CNCV74Y
^^That's fine to discuss as long as you both stay away from personal insults and attacks.
Here's a reminder of our Code of Conduct: americangods.fandom.com/wiki/American_Gods_Wiki:Policy
Please keep it civil.
I really like this idea a lot and it fixes the problem for whether or not Kristin Chenoweth comes back or not.
^^I agree. Whiskey Jack was in one episode briefly and that's only if they're playing the series the same as the novel and having Whiskey Jack be the same as Iktomi
54 Votes in Poll
I'm looking forward to meeting Samantha Black Crow and Mama-ji, but also definitely Bast! I hope they expand her role, too.
From one of the trailers, it shows what looks like a young Shadow so I'm *really extremely incredibly* excited to see more of his backstory. I even made a comment a while back that I wanted to see Git Gone/A Prayer For Mad Sweeney episodes except for Shadow.
Laura died in season 1
Book spoilers
The cast has been mostly perfect, so far. A few of them, I was unsure of because they varied so much from the book description (i.e. Technical Boy, Easter) but I was not disappointed. I even like Technical Boy's depiction in the show better than in the book.
The music has also been great. I'm not a really big music person and I prefer the score to be mostly unnoticeable but the music in this show enhances each scene so well that I am actually planning on buying the soundtrack.